Phase 2: Prioritisation
Our approach is to empower teams to ‘start by doing’, supporting them to get stuck into leading organisational change themselves. We want to help them build actionable plans to solve their highest priority challenges quickly - and make improvements incrementally and sustainably - so that change can be effective and long lasting.
The aim of Phase 2 is to ensure there is agreement and understanding within the executive team on what to prioritise, who is assigned to what and how to start working together towards solutions. We facilitate discussions and workshops with the leadership team to:
Ensure that the strengths and pain points identified in Phase 1 are accurate and understood by the whole team.
Map the interdependencies between different areas.
Prioritise: issues that must be dealt with immediately, the most important strategic areas where change is vital for long term success, and the things that can be looked at later.
Assign each area to be owned by a member of the leadership team to develop an action plan, with our support.